Tracing the transitions – Op-ed for The News
Op-ed published in The News, print edition, 28 December 2016. If we look at our political history from 1990 to the
This section is a collection of my published material such as opinion pieces, conference presentations, articles, posters and even essays for admission purpose.
Op-ed published in The News, print edition, 28 December 2016. If we look at our political history from 1990 to the
Here I present the working title and abstract of my thesis proposal.
My statement of intent for a successful PhD application in communication studies!
Originally appeared on The News International | Sunday, June 29, 2014 Print Edition The Pakistan American Cultural Centre (PACC) awarded
I quite literally stumbled upon the prospects of doing a PhD when halfway through my official editorial internship at the
Disclaimer: This weblog is based on my opinion of an advertising campaign that may not be active anymore. Although it